Free Website Transfer


Seamless Website and Domain Transfer with Rapid Kiwi

Are you ready to make the move to Rapid Kiwi but worried about the hassle of transferring your existing website and domain? We’ve got you covered! Our hassle-free transfer service makes the process a breeze, ensuring your online presence seamlessly finds its new home on our robust infrastructure.

How It Works:

  1. Sign Up with Your Current Domain: Begin your journey with us by signing up for a hosting plan using your existing domain. It’s your first step toward a smoother online experience.
  2. Share Control Panel Details: Provide access details to your current control panel, whether it’s cPanel or FTP. This allows us to initiate the transfer process securely.
  3. Request Logged: Once your details are submitted, our team logs your transfer request, preparing it for the next steps.
  4. Technical Review and Initiation: A dedicated technician will review your transfer, requesting any additional information if necessary. With the green light, the transfer process kicks off.
  5. Swift and Efficient Transfer: In most cases, our transfers are swift, usually taking less than 24 hours. For more complex or larger websites, it might take a bit longer, but rest assured, we’re working diligently to get you up and running.
  6. Quality Assurance: Our commitment to quality doesn’t stop at the transfer. We’ll conduct final checks to ensure you have a valid SSL certificate (https), confirm the correct PHP version, and make sure your website is functioning flawlessly. Should any issues arise, we’re here to work with you to resolve them.
  7. Welcome to Rapid Kiwi: With all the boxes ticked, your website now resides happily on Rapid Kiwi’s dependable infrastructure. You can effortlessly access your website’s control panel through our user-friendly dashboard.

Best of All: It’s Absolutely Free!

We believe in making your transition to Rapid Kiwi as smooth as possible, which is why our transfer service is offered free of charge with all our hosting plans. Your website and domain can continue their online journey without disruption, and you’ll experience the quality service and support that Rapid Kiwi is known for.

Ready to make the move to a reliable and New Zealand-based web hosting provider? Join us today and let our transfer service take care of the rest!